My Lecture Notes

This site is designed to provide my lecture notes. You may download my lecture notes in PDF file for several subjects.  But I am sory, due to capacity limitation, I can not upload all file here.

1. Basic Pharmacology

Several course contents provided are:  introduction-blackwhite, pharmacokinetics-bw, principle-of-drug-action-bw, drug-receptor-interaction-bw

2. Molecular Pharmacology

Several topics provided include:  a. drug-receptor-interaction-review1, b. target-of-drug-action, c. ion-channel-receptor-ionotropic, d. tyrosine-kinase-receptor1, e. g-protein-coupled-receptor, f. adrenergic-dopamine-receptor, g. angiotensin-muscarinic-receptor, e. nuclear-receptor

Example of UAS Farmakologi Molekuler  for UGM students in 2005 : soal-uas-farmol-ugm-th-2005

Example of UAS Farmakologi Molekuler  for UII students in 2008 : uas-farmol-uii-jan-2008

 3. Pharmacotherapy fo Central Nervous System Disorder

Several subjects provided are : pain-management-bw,

4. Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Diseases

Several chapters provided are : a. an-phys-respiratory-system, b. cough, c. allergic-rhinitis, d. asthma, e. lung-function-tests, drug-delivery-devices, f. copd, g. respiratory-distress-syndrome